Wellness Wisdom Articles
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The following is my all time favorite affirmation. It is my favorite not only because of the power of the words, but more so because it is the affirmation that I used to initiate my babies (students) into accepting their capacity to be who they are. We began our day, and all classes by affirming ourselves. We made the pledge to ourselves first before the school wide pledge of allegiance came over the intercom. If for one moment there was a thought that I had forgotten to start class without stating the affirmation, then one of those lil' beings would certainly remind me. So for that, this is my favorite affirmation. I made it important to them, and they maintained its importance with me.
"Today I love, accept, and approve of myself exactly as I am. I will work towards my greatest good, and highest potential."
So, go a'head look in the mirror, hug yourself, and affirm yourself by stating this affirmation. Remind yourself throughout the day that you are great, and shall continue to move in the direction of being greater. Whenever there is a moment of doubt...Say it loud "I love, accept, and approve of myself exactly as I am. I will work towards my greatest good, and highest potential."
- "I seek the support, company, and comfort of like intentioned friends and family"
- "I make choices in life that give me inner peace, harmony, joy, and abundance"
- "I choose to know and live universal principles in harmony with natural laws"
Pyramids of Power