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If you have ever attempted to share life altering information with your loved ones, then you have likely experienced the resistance that comes with that undertaking. If you can reach family, then you can reach anyone.

Elecia Joan talks about her experiences with Social Entrepreneur Elliott Cee

Life Path Imagery


Life Path of Elliott Cee:

As oddly as this may read, El from his earliest experiences was cultivated in death.  During the time of his teen age mother's pregnancy, she had to bear witness to the killing of her young mother at the age of 35.  As any thinking person could conclude.  The stress, trauma, and emotional reactions all became a part of the DNA genetic make up of Elliott Cee before he decided to exit his mother's womb.

Fast forward a few years, and El found himself without his mother at an early age do to her incarceration in federal prison in W. Virginia some several hundred miles away from their more than humble beginnings.  As a result, young El's primary care giver was his Great Grandmother/Great Grand father, accompanied by her siblings, daughter, and his aunts, and uncles, as well as his father, and paternal Grand Parents, aunts, and uncles.  So as you can imagine.  He developed a wide range of perspectives early on in life.

As the years progressed into his teen ages he was confronted with the unexpected murder of his father, by his brother also at the age of 35.  The death of his grandmother, and father became the catalyst for him to exercise extreme focus at an early age.  As the old military commercial used to air that stated "we do more before 5 AM than most people do all day" or something like that.  Elliott did more by age 35 than many could imagine.

The discipline in which was instilled by his Great Grandmother proved to be a major asset in his life.  That discipline coupled with the focus played a major role throughout his life.  In fact, as a part of a Class A State Championship football team that El played an integral role in as a starting DB required a considerable amount of discipline and focus.  Being a member, and playing an important role on a championship team gave him the ideals of teamwork, planning, executing, setting, and meeting both short, and long term goals, as well as having a mindset of a winner.  The no excuses, winner's mindset is one he has maintained in his adult life.

Elliott Cee went on to attend a university a few years after high school.  During the time spent in college, he worked two jobs, and had a few side hustles to pay for the costly expenses.  After working his way through college at Eastern Michigan University obtaining a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education with emphasis in anatomy, physiology, psychology, kinesiology, and his introduction to wholistic health concepts all became the backdrop of his professional life.

Teaching at three levels elementary, middle, and high school for several years is when, and where he developed his ability to work effectively with varying personalities, and backgrounds.  While on the job at BCPS, Elliott received many certificates of appreciation, as well as many perfect attendance awards

After being involved with youth for several years, El took his experiences into the world of publishing where he founded AbstractBlack Publishing Group in 1999. During the years of operating AbstractBlack Publishing Group he penned 3 books, and was responsible for marketing, and selling several others.  In addition to writing some dynamic poetic verses, AbstractBlack partnered with to bring the first, and possibly only live radio, in studio, on air poetry slam in Maryland, and possibly the country that brought some of the best wordsmith in the area together, and as far as New York. Notables, of that moment were Cirius B(Maimouna Youssef), Sir Reigns, and Native Son to mention a few. 

August 2000 El was one of the chosen to participate in the JJC's annual Poetry Pow Wow at the Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA).  October 19, 2000 he was the featured 'poet' at the Great Blacks in Wax Museum.  At the time, that was the longest running poetry event in the city.  August 14th, 2001, the City Council of Baltimore recognized, and congratulated him for the dedication, as an Author, poet, and support as a member of The Black Writers' Guild of Maryland.  In September of 2001 the poem No Face from his book SuperNatural...was featured in UR Baltimore, Baltimore's FREE Education, Employment & Entertainment Monthly news paperHe later had feature author, poetry, publishing appearances, on regional radio stations 96.3 WHUR with Joe Gorham, 1010 WOLB, and 88.9 WEAA. 

As fate would have it, and rather unsuspectingly, the publishing business morphed into a Specialty Retail business known as QualiteesPlus, LLC in which El was able to provide an array of specialty items to customers operating in 3 shopping mall centers between the Baltimore, DC corridors for nearly a decade.

During the years of Specialty Retail is when El developed his techniques, and how to serve, teach, reach, and inspire people other than the aforementioned students.  Do to the nature of QualiteesPlus, LLC, the retail environment, and Elliot C's desire to help change the world, a lot of time was allotted to interact with people from all walks of life, and from all over the world.  One mall was dubbed an international mall.  This center was located near a major international airport which attracted consumers from literally everywhere. 

In April of 2006 while operating QualiteesPlus at Security Mall he was a featured business owner discussing the then 72% energy rate hikes. Volume 7, issue 3 published in The Tidal Wave A Monthly News Magazine.  Quoted as saying "Basically, I think a 72 percent increase is a situation designed to eliminate the middle class.  It's another effort to make the rich richer, and make the middle-class and lower class poorer.  As a business owner I just think everyone is going to have to become smarter shoppers..."
November 10, 2010 Elliott Cee received a certificate of appreciation for his participation in an Introduction To Wholistic Health seminar presented by Swing Phi Swing  Social Fellowship, Inc. Maatkare Hatshepsut Bulldog Chapter, Bowie State University, in recognition of dedication to wholistic health, and wellness.

Over the past few years El has committed himself to totally embrace his life's purpose of helping people by bringing forth his personal, and professional life experiences to share with others in a effort to assists in fulfilling their potential, and greatness. He has learned some valuable lessons, and techniques while working briefly with Dr. Baruch of ELife Health Complex, and DHealthstore VA formerly of DHerbs to name a few. In 2016 he became a legal and lawful non religious affiliated minister

Elliot Cee, a profound thought shifter is here, and available to lend a helping hand, and share his insight when you are in need.  Contact: