
 Wellness Architect Ministries

Making Change One Thought And One Mind At A Time

Blog posts : "harmony"


Wellness Wisdom Article™: From The Streets To The Suites Tues. 1.12.16

There are some that can see beyond normal eyesight vision, and with their genuine kindness make efforts to transform the world with their vision. Those amongst us that use their respective crystal balls (eyes), and their 1st eye to some, and 3rd eye to others(the mind),  as well as their instinct, intuition, and is led by their respective souls are often times the highest form of visionaries.  These people commune amongst everyday people rarely to be taken seriously by those deemed as peers, family, and other contemporaries.  These  souls are the ones that are so in tune with everything that there is, that they often times are perceived as being "standoffish, loners, introverts, and to know-it-all'" just to mention a few misnomers.  Well, that perception just may be correct, but it is not all that there is to these light beings.  In all actuality they are balanced beings harmonized with their very existence. 

Today's message from The Book of El is shared to remind, and encourage you that you are on a path that has specific duties for you to experience, and fulfill with a purpose that is only meant for you.  It is your vision, and yours alone to adhere to.  That's not to say that there isn't any other being on the planet that is not having a "similar" experience.   We all share commonalities in some variance or another, but vision is an exclusive, and it will align you with the beings that you are destined to experience greater things with....So, don't be discouraged, and continue to shine your LIGHT!!

From The Book of El
Elliott Cee
Making Change One Thought, And One Mind At A Time


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