Fist Bumps and High 5's

Stephanie, Cleveland, OH
You have inspired me to continuously move forward in my life. You have encouraged me to move beyond my fears and limiting beliefs. Also, you believed in my abilities when I was stuck or lacking motivation.

Elecia Joan, LA, CA
Relationships can be tricky...Especially with all the simulation between what we see on reality TV and what we read in the magazines. How do I come into wholeness so that I can know when it's real and wen it isn't? Most relationship advisors are designed to give you bits and pieces so that you'll only receive partial breakthrough as a means of manipulating you to come back for more. What sets Elliott C apart is he doesn't just feed the "man" fish so he can only eat that day...This information does not expire and the tension between the timelessness of it and the current relevance is what brings you back for MORE! Elliott C said it best "people put all their good cards out first to draw them in, the difference here is that ALL the cards are the best!"
Elliot is amazing! In our first personal encounter he had me facing shadows I had not yet faced! He asked those uncomfortable questions that made me soul search to find the root of my internal war. He gave me solutions to rid myself of pessimistic thoughts. He reminded me that everything is mental magic, he reminded me to use a better choice of words, he reminded me to be confident, he reminded me to trust my instincts, intuition and emotions yet never lead with them and lastly he reminded me to always “remain green” or in my heart because that is where my discernment lies! With his help and assistance of leading me back to myself I have had some very profound realizations and one of those are that everything is just another now and that’s all we have! He was sent to further assist me on my journey of introspection and healing and for that I am forever grateful!