
 Wellness Architect Ministries

Making Change One Thought And One Mind At A Time

The Aloe Very Experience: 7 Well Known Benefits

The Aloe Very Experience:  7 Well Known Benefits

My experiences using aloe vera dates back many, many, many years.  I initially began to use it as a facial supplement.  I preferred the gel, over the juice, simply because it was less liquified, and has a thicker viscosity.  The thickness I liked because it gave more of an illusion of a commercial cosmetic, such as a facial cream, or lotion.  I have experimented with the juice, but my best overall results came from the Aloe Vera gel.

I used to always see aloe vera as an ingredient in nearly all commercial skin products that caught my attention, so me being the nosy, intuitive integrative thinker that I am decided to just go straight for the aloe vera, and eliminate the other ingredients that were in the other products.  Often times, this is how I discover new ways of being, new ideas, and create new realities.  So, almost instantly, after I began to use the gel on my face, I began to get remarks about my facial appearance as it relates to the smoothness, and glow.  I really don't know if it was so much so the aloe, or just my overall being that the aloe highlighted more, because I have never had facial "problems".  Insert a giggle here.   It's interesting that it was awesome on my face, but had very little results on other topical areas of my body as it relates to hydration.  I suppose I have different skin needs in different regions of my body.

Case in point, during this time in my life I was an avid runner.  I would jog a few miles per day, per week, and having a torn ACL ligament during some of those years, as well as having inflammatory issues after having the ligament repaired.  I would put some aloe on my knee.  Once again it proved to be a good fit for that purpose, but again, no hydration aka glow on that area of my body.

Years later, while doing my duty as a city school teacher, I acquired a stomach ulcer.  I can only conclude that the ulcer was a result of caring too much about other peoples' children, mismanagement of said children, the politics of it all, and all of the other low vibrational things that takes place within the American educational institutions.  That is a story for an entirely different article, and another day.  Now, back to this plant aloe vera.  So, one of the causes of stomach ulcers is supposedly stress.  I am still trying to figure this out.  Since, an ulcer is an internal scar, or laceration how did stress play a role?  Well, I can only conclude that do to my naivite' at that time in my life about the politics of life, education, and children in general, I indeed was scarred by my learning experiences, and it manifested via stress, and in the physical body.

In actuality, and in my particular case it could have been the combination of stress, and poor dietary habits that wreaked havoc on my digestive system, because during that time I was in the middle of transitioning from the S.A.D situation.  What the hell is sad, you may be wondering? The Standard American Diet.  I can't say for certain. That which I can say for certain is I began to follow the advice of my personal doctor at the time, Dr. Bernetha George.  She was a very personable, and respectable elder.  Hell, we even took to the streets a few times, protesting the mega churches, and their lack of accountability to the areas in which they "served" but not really serving the needs of the people that attend the churches. It was our opinion, that the mega churches were doing some mega pimping, culture vultures of sorts. I have since, acquired the sense not to engage in the business of protests, But, anyway, she was a ride or die type elder that decided to move out of America before the shit got to where it is now.  I should have followed suite.  Instead, though I took her advice by taking Maalox.

I began the regimen of daily Maalox doses with no ease in the stomach ulcer pain.  After becoming frustrated with that after several weeks, my inner healer aka inner physician kicked in, and I eliminated the Maalox shots, and began to ingest the aloe vera gel.  Now, initially, there was a little ease in discomfort from the stomach ulcer.  A few more weeks went by, and I was feeling better, but not completely healed.  Once again, that inner physician kicked in, and I decided to reincorporate the Maalox with the Aloe Vera, and within a short span of time, my stomach ulcer disappeared!  I had my first experience with "self healing", and it was great!  This experience was my introduction to pay attention to me, my body, and the inner healer aka inner physician.

As a result, of stress, the S.A.D, Dr. George, and my inner physician, I began in drink aloe vera gel on a daily basis. The results were magnificent in my overall well being.  The lumps that I would feel in my upper digestive tract of food attempting to get broken down do to my lack of chewing enough, cause sometimes I prepare food that is so delicious, that it sends me into beast mode, and I straight get into it like a savage that has not eaten in weeks.  Anyway, though, the aloe most definitely eased the digestive process.  My bowels movements become adult like.  Meaning no more little hard pebbles, but instead foot long soft boo boo movements.  I began to feel better, and my health situation began to improve considerably.  For me this was the beginning of a better me, and a better tomorrow...

Aloe has proven to have a positive impact in my life.  If you suffer with skin problems, including scars, cuts, scrapes, burns, etc.  Aloe vera is a solid choice to treat yourself.  If you need some aid in digestion, and strengthening your immunity, which has a direct connect to digestion.  A new aloe regimen may be in store for you.  A boost in antioxidant support couldn't hurt either.  The benefits of the aloe plant are plentiful.  Give it try, if you don't, or do have something else to do.

As always...

Thanks for taking some minutes out of your life to read my thoughts, and take a peek into my experiences.  Remember....WHAAAAAAAAAATEEEEVA YOU DO (got that from my Grand Dad)....Have fun, laugh, and be happy in the experience.

Elliott C

Making Change One Thought, And One Mind At A Time™

From the Lily of The Desert brand site: Which is what I used.

Aloe vera is an excellent addition to a healthy maintenance regimen, and some of its most well-known benefits include:

  • helps support a healthy digestive system
  • helps sustain and promote healthy regularity
  • supports a healthy immune system
  • assists antioxidant support
  • reduces toxins in the body
  • supports normal muscle and joint functions
  • moisturizes and hydrates the skin.

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