
 Wellness Architect Ministries

Making Change One Thought And One Mind At A Time

Blog posts : "Spiritual Wellness"

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Sonic Force: Let Your Light Be Your Guide, And Your Soul Lead The Way

Experiencing this life without adhering to the time spent practicing, aka learning from ones experiences, has left some assed out like cheeks in thongs, but I see your strength, know that you are strong enough to move beyond your current flow of energy. There's another frequency to experience that can elevate your will, your desire, your passion, and that fire is the inner light that can burn to ashes the self that you will no longer be. When you look in the mirror know that you are as free as your last thought.  You are as strong as your soul's fearlessness.  You are revered by some that have not yet informed you of how your light brightens their respective spaces.  We are all here with carefully crafted obligations, missions, duties, assignments, etc.  Experiencing all that you have and will continue to experience is all a part of your soul journey contract.  You wouldn't wanna breach the contract, now would you?


So as we all continue to rock what we do to turn this planet right side up again.  Just know that when you meet a challenge, it is all a part of the agreement to experience for reasons that you may have yet to recall.  Don't give in, don't give up, don't stop.  When you decide to vibrate away from that perceived challenge, then know that you have just played a major role in uplifting the vibratory frequency of your inner world (soul), as well as the world around (others), and certainly, the world in which we all occupy a little piece of space. So you gotta rock, and don't stop it...It is well worth the experiences. 

Let Your Light Be Your Guide, And Your Soul Lead The Way. 
Thanks for taking a moment out of your day to share in my world.  I trust that this message will resonate, vibrate, and elevate you, and your desires.
Elliott Cee
Making Change One Thought, And Mind At A Time™
From The Book of El 
circa 2016

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Wellness Wisdom Article™: From The Streets To The Suites Tues. 1.12.16

There are some that can see beyond normal eyesight vision, and with their genuine kindness make efforts to transform the world with their vision. Those amongst us that use their respective crystal balls (eyes), and their 1st eye to some, and 3rd eye to others(the mind),  as well as their instinct, intuition, and is led by their respective souls are often times the highest form of visionaries.  These people commune amongst everyday people rarely to be taken seriously by those deemed as peers, family, and other contemporaries.  These  souls are the ones that are so in tune with everything that there is, that they often times are perceived as being "standoffish, loners, introverts, and to know-it-all'" just to mention a few misnomers.  Well, that perception just may be correct, but it is not all that there is to these light beings.  In all actuality they are balanced beings harmonized with their very existence. 

Today's message from The Book of El is shared to remind, and encourage you that you are on a path that has specific duties for you to experience, and fulfill with a purpose that is only meant for you.  It is your vision, and yours alone to adhere to.  That's not to say that there isn't any other being on the planet that is not having a "similar" experience.   We all share commonalities in some variance or another, but vision is an exclusive, and it will align you with the beings that you are destined to experience greater things with....So, don't be discouraged, and continue to shine your LIGHT!!

From The Book of El
Elliott Cee
Making Change One Thought, And One Mind At A Time


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Food & The Body Temple

Living in a time when every aspect of our daily lives we are bombarded with some aspect of a toxin; be it food, air, water, or the people that you interact with day to day.  It can be concluded that all environments are contaminated with a detrimental pollutant.  As a result, many people are beginning to feel that they are defenseless; therefore, leading many to only be reactionary forces against the low density environments, and toxic environmentalists. 

Well we do have some authority over our challenges if we so choose to be proactive in our approach.  Our primary defense mechanisms are what we choose to put into our mouths as "food", in conjunction with our perception of the toxic environments.  The quality of thought, and the quality of food that we ingest will either reduce the effectiveness of the immune system or enhance its function which is the protection against foreign invaders of the body systems. 

The primary purpose of food intake is for nutrition.  To feed the cells the energy that they need to function optimally.  However, that thought very seldom is the reason that people put food into their mouths.  It is interesting that people willfully sacrifice nearly every organ in their respective bodies to ensure the pleasure of one.  Do you know which organ is guaranteed satisfaction?  Meanwhile the heart, brain, kidney, liver, colon, skin (which is the biggest organ), and all the rest are literally punished to appease your favorite organ.  What is your favorite organ you should be thinking?  Here is a clue or two.  It is made up of eight muscles, and is instrumental in the beginning phases of the digestive process.  By now you should have an idea that the tongue is like the new born baby in the family of organs, because it gets catered to all the time without much thought.  It is a "natural" occurrence for people to make sure that the tongue is taken care of and satisfied. 

Food can harm, and food can heal.  You already know …

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Wellness Wisdomâ„¢ Article Spiritual Integrity

Spiritual Integrity


Recently I had a random thought.  One of those thoughts that hits you when you previously wasn't thinking about anything lol. So as opposed to going at it alone I took to social media and posed two questions for those in my network.  As a result, much learning took place on my behalf as it relates to the myriad of thought process, and vibrations that people operated from.  A highlight of the learning consisted of the following.  Interestingly, no answers were duplicate.  Not many were even similar.  Those that participated were comfortable, and free enough to allow themselves to share something that may be considered intimate with me.  In my opinion, that is spiritual in and of itself.  Most importantly though, I appreciate everyone that took a moment out of your life to adhere to my need for receiving your insight.

Some responded quickly.  Others responded to acknowledge the message with the intent to answer the question "later."  While others, simply flat out ignored the call.  What if the aforementioned was a gauge of ones spiritual meter?  What would that say about each individual person?  I don't know.  

Little did I know at the time when this process began that this would serve as independent research,  a random survey, as well as a learning tool which was the original intent.  I most certainly didn't anticipate sharing the data here on this forum.  This in my opinion, again was a spiritual, and organic process.  The best things experienced in my life has followed this process.

It is imperative to do independent research to not rely so heavily on data collected, shared, and then passed off as fact, truth, or real by people that you have never once interacted with, and have no idea of what there intent is.  Often times the intent is to focus your mind power on an untruth that is attached to an agenda of detriment to you, or your loved ones in some way,  form, or fashion.  Typically, the data is attach…

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