The Aloe Very Experience: 7 Well Known Benefits
My experiences using aloe vera dates back many, many, many years. I initially began to use it as a facial supplement. I preferred the gel, over the juice, simply because it was less liquified, and has a thicker viscosity. The thickness I liked because it gave more of an illusion of a commercial cosmetic, such as a facial cream, or lotion. I have experimented with the juice, but my best overall results came from the Aloe Vera gel.
I used to always see aloe vera as an ingredient in nearly all commercial skin products that caught my attention, so me being the nosy, intuitive integrative thinker that I am decided to just go straight for the aloe vera, and eliminate the other ingredients that were in the other products. Often times, this is how I discover new ways of being, new ideas, and create new realities. So, almost instantly, after I began to use the gel on my face, I began to get remarks about my facial appearance as it relates to the smoothness, and glow. I really don't know if it was so much so the aloe, or just my overall being that the aloe highlighted more, because I have never had facial "problems". Insert a giggle here. It's interesting that it was awesome on my face, but had very little results on other topical areas of my body as it relates to hydration. I suppose I have different skin needs in different regions of my body.
Case in point, during this time in my life I was an avid runner. I would jog a few miles per day, per week, and having a torn ACL ligament during some of those years, as well as having inflammatory issues after having the ligament repaired. I would put some aloe on my knee. Once again it proved to be a good fit for that purpose, but again, no hydration aka glow on that area of my body.
Years later, while doing my duty as a city school teacher, I acquired a stomach ulcer. I can only conclude that the ulcer was a result of caring too much about oth…